21 September 2011

John Gertsen On The History Of Cocktails and Why Punch Is Where It Is At

I think we can safely say, that many of us share some of the sentiments put forward by John Gertsen in the video.

Have a listen to him talk about why Punchs are "where it's at" and why bartenders don't actually serve cocktails...........

More videos from this brilliant series from TEDx will be on the way, including edible scents, the origins of taste, the science and craft of food and the incredible egg......


Kevin Liu said...

thanks for the shoutout to TEDxCambridge. it was an amazing event. the 2011 edition will be on November 19th and tickets are available at www.tedxcambridge.com

*by the way, that's Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Kevin Liu said...

thanks for the shoutout to TEDxCambridge. it was an amazing event. John actually came and did a special cocktail for us: he built soda and cassis in a highball glass, then dipped a long straw in angostura and slid it into the glass. those of us who listened carefully to his talk pulled the straw out and let the ingredients mix before drinking. those of us who didn't discovered that angostura actually makes a pretty good shot...

the next iteration of TEDxCambridge is coming up November 19th (tedxcambridge.com for tickets) and will be held at Harvard University.